July 2023

"Mumbai Airport Adopts QR Code-Aadhaar Tags for 20 Stray Dogs"

“Mumbai Airport Adopts QR Code-Aadhaar Tags for 20 Stray Dogs”

In a heartwarming initiative ,a group of 20 stray dogs near Mumbai airport received their identification cards on Saturday morning. The ‘Aadhaar’ cards are attached to their collars with a QR code, allowing anyone who scans it to access the dog’s details, including name, contact of the feeder, vaccination records, sterilization information, and essential medical […]

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verify aadhaar

How to Verify Aadhaar Number if it’s Genuine or Fake

Introduction In today’s digital world ,where identity theft and fraud have become common ,it is essential to have robust mechanisms to Verify the Authenticity of Important identification Documents. Aadhaar ,the unique identification number issued by the Indian Government ,is no Exception. With over 1.2 billion Aadhaar numbers issued to date ,it is crucial to know

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